Wednesday, November 18, 2009


Yesterday the Press Club of Metropolitan St. Louis held a very enlightening forum about "Poverty". We all know there is way too much of it going on in our country but hearing the facts and numbers was disheartening. As more and more people are using their jobs and homes and insurance, hunger is increasing at perilous rates. Ary ou helping out your local food pantry? The food supplies go out quicker than they can fill the shelves. They need your donations.

I learned that many of the pantries are now including fresh produce in with their food. Find out if your pantry is helping make their offerings even more nutritious. Dont forget to donate some nutritious peanut butter. It's on every list.

Get a little peanut butter for your mind at As they say, man doesn't live by food alone.

1 comment:

  1. Cynth, I found your blog! Plan to visit often. At this time of year, hunger often makes the news, but I still applaud the Press Club for calling our attention to this national problem. For folks in St. Louis County who'd like to help out a food pantry, Circle of Concern in Valley Park has been around for a long time and is great to work with. Our church regularly supports their work. Visit for a list of current needs. God bless all who can help out, and thanks, Cynthia for reminding your readers about the importance of giving.
