Sunday, November 1, 2009


November brings Thanksgiving with its turkey and dressing and lots of yummy gravy. But there's something else special going on this month, too. November is National Peanut Butter Lovers Month.

Make the most of it! Ice apple slices with peanut butter, smear some peanut butter on bacon strips, marshmallows, bananas, and pears. Mix it up with chocolate chips. Cover your pretzels with your favorite brand. And don't forget the traditional and always wonderful peanut butter and jelly sandwich.

Bring jars of peanut butter and jelly to your local food pantries to share with those who are unable to afford food at this time. Peanut butter is one of their most needed staples. So nutritious.

Wrap your puppy's vitamins in the gooey delicious spread. Doggies love the taste.

Bake some peanut butter snacks - cookies and cakes. Put it on your ice cream. Be creative and discover new tastes.

Hope you'll also purchase a copy of my book, "The Perils of the Peanut Butter Kid" to give/read to your favorite peanut butter lover. Go to my website: http://www.perilsofthepeanutbutterkid/ to purchase the book at special birthday celebration prices.

Whatever you do, put a big smile on your face and some peanut butter in your mouth

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